Registry: AKC
Pedigree (littermate)
Born: January 26, 2016
Color: Formentino
Weight: 100 pounds
Dam: CH So You Shall Deal With Me Guardiana TT, CGC
Sire: CH BluSteel's Little Monster, Ickis TT, CGC, BH, Cal1
Kennel: Difesa Cane Corso
Bite: Reverse Scissors
OFA Hips Good
OFA Heart Normal
OFA Elbows Normal

Canine Good Citizen
Dam: CH So You Shall Deal With Me Guardiana TT, CGC
OFA Hips Good
OFA Elbows Normal
OFA Heart Normal
Sire: CH BluSteel's Little Monster, Ickis TT, CGC, BH, Cal1, ROM
OFA Hips Good
OFA Elbows Normal
OFA Heart Normal
Dim's Temperament
Since a young age, Dim has been out going, confident, athletic, and social. He is biddable, and has good prey drive. He participates in Schutzhund/IPO/IGP and agility, and has shown great strengths in tracking. Dim finished his AKC Champion with three 5 point majors from the Owner Handler ring. He has excellent, effortless movement with strong reach and drive. He is an absolute joy to handle in the show ring, and greets each judge with a wagging tail. He impresses everyone he meets with his confidence, stable temperament, and his athleticism. Dim is friendly with other dogs, including those outside of his pack, and lives peacefully with cats. Dim also participates in some hunting. Dim is an affectionate boy who loves his family.
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CH Difesa Made A Deal with the Devil BH, CGC, TKN, FPr2
Dim on the water
Dim and the Bradford Pear
Dim head profile
Dim's reach and drive
Dim Bitework
Dim and I