Registry: AKC
Pedigree (littermate)
Born: October, 15, 2017
Color: Black Brindle
Weight: 120 pounds
Dam: CH So You Shall Deal With Me Guardiana TT, CGC
Sire: GCH Armstrong Della Porta Dipinta TT, CGC
Kennel: Difesa Cane Corso
Bite: Reverse Scissors
OFA Hips Good
OFA Heart Normal
OFA Elbows R: Grade 1: DJD
Dam: CH So You Shall Deal With Me Guardiana TT, CGC
OFA Hips Good
OFA Elbows Normal
OFA Heart Normal
Sire: GCH Armstrong Della Porta Dipinta TT, CGC
OFA Hips Good
OFA Elbows Normal
OFA Heart Normal
Moose's Temperament
Moose is a strong, confident out going male who takes the duty of protecting his family quite seriously. Moose is stable and socially indifferent to strangers when not inside his home. Moose enoys caring for and playing with his two boys at home. Moose also enjoys spending time with his family on the beach and riding in the boat with his family. Moose's temperament is 100% Cane Corso, and we look forward to seeing what he brings to our breeding program.
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Difesa the Strong Silent One
Moose and the Sprinkler
Moose's Smile
Moose on the Boat
Special thanks to Brent, Vanessa, and the boys for spoiling this incredible boy the way he deserves to be spoiled!