Registry: AKC
Pedigree (littermate)
Born: June 6, 2016
Color: Grey Brindle
Weight: 110 pounds
Dam: Stormy Knight Vida
Sire: StoneCroft's Mighty Zues
Kennel: StoneCroft Cane Corso
Bite: Reverse Scissors
PennHip: R: 0.51 L: 0.55, No DJD
Bongo's Temperament
Bongo is a confident, social, outgoing boy who loves his family. He has great drive, but is not overly energetic. He is smart and easy to train and balanced. We look forward to seeing what he brings to our program!
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StoneCroft Buck'n Bongo
Special thanks to Misty Barker of StoneCroft Cane Corso for allowing us to use this amazing boy in our program!
Sire: StoneCroft's Mighty Zeus
Dam: Stormy Winn Vida